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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fun anniversary date game

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 7 year wedding Anniversary. Since he was working a crazy schedule during valentines I planned a fun date night in (that you can see here). So for our anniversary, I told him it was his turn to plan a romantic evening for us. He got us a sitter for the boys, came home with flowers and card with the most beautiful words. Then we finished up with dinner at our tradition spot, Texas de Brazil. Anyway as you know, the longer you are together the less you have to just sit and talk about. Mainly because you already pretty much know everything about the person. So we (as in me) had to get creative to make the night one of reminiscing on the past seven years. I remembered my SIL telling me about this game so I forced my hubby to be a bit corny with me and play the ABC dating game.

Here's how to play:

Start off with the first letter of the alphabet and share a memory you have that begins with that letter. Take turns rotating from each letter to letter until you get from A to Z. If of you can't think of a memory you can "steal" it.

Here is an example of how to play

A- alligators, the time we went to shark valley in the Everglades and saw all the alligators. We had a picnic under a small bush and were scared the alligators would attack us

B- bike ride, all our fun bike rides on the boardwalk when we lived in Hollywood beach before the kids

C-Cupcakes, we love eating Muddys Cupcakes

You get the point :) the idea is to reminisce on the good times. It's alot of fun but there were a few letters that stumped us. See how many memories you can think of that don't have to do with the kids, just you two! Let me know if you try this

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