Sometimes it literally takes me up to 3 hours to complete my entire 50 min workout. A typical workout plays out like this:
- Start my video
- Liam stands beside me intending to "workout" with mom
- Baby is on the floor watching us or sleeping depending when I start
- Ouch, I stepped on a toy
- Get in a good 20 min, feeling the burn
- Baby cries
- I stop to nurse, he goes back to sleep
- Press play again, now Liam is being silly wanting to crawl under me or over me
- I get warmed up again
- Now Liam wants a snack, not the one I laid out for him
- Press pause, I'm back determined to finish the last 25 min
- I finally finish... 2 hours after starting!!
- Now I have both boys laying across me as I throw my sweaty body on floor
- My Phone rings, it's my husband "How's your day going"?
It really does take a lot of determination to work out with little ones. I told my husband that getting back in shape is my main priority right now. So if he comes home and that load of laundry that has been in the dryer for 3 days is still there, as long as I got my workout in, I accomplished something big that day. He's on board. He never gets on me about not having the house in order, though I really try to make sure he comes home to a clean house every day or at least a picked up house. I know he likes that.
So if working out with kids running around seems like an impossible task for you just know
these 3 things:
- You can pause and take breaks
- You will feel better and accomplished after you're done
- You will fit into those jeans again
Ahhh...I remember those days. My 7 yr old tries to workout with me now. Have you heard of HIIT {High Intensity Training} Workouts. They are 15 min workouts every other day and that's it. And you only need to do them at least 3-4 times a week. You workout doing some sort of cardio for about a min and rest for a min and then continue to do the same for the next 15 mins. Just look on youtube or pinterest for ideas. It will help your workout go faster and you burn up to 9x more fat and are still burning calories 24 hours after your workout. This helped me, as I work away from home and my time is limited when I get home. I thought I'd share this you, it's a great way to shed lbs fast and quick. I will posting a video on the benefits of Coconut Oil this weekend and I wanted to know if it would be ok if I added your coconut hair mask video to my post. I was going to make one but when I saw yours you did an awesome job, I loved it.